Sunday, February 03, 2013

National Haiku Writing Month

NaHaiWriMo in English

NaHaiWriMo en français

Ok - here we go, I decided to try the French as well, since someone on another website is doing this. No promises that I'll manage one a day.

Feb 1 - prompt - pasta:

life-blood of the heart
of England
spaghetti junction

and 1 in French - It refers to the Mauriac novel - le Nœud de Vipères, about a family who fall out about a future will, as far as I remember. This is rather a bitter little haiku:

repas en famille
noeud de vipères

(family meal
knot of vipers)
or vipers' tangle ( The title of one English translation)

Feb 2 - prompt  - eggs:

austerity -
do not kill the goose
that lays the wooden egg

l'austérité -
faut pas tuer la poule
aux œufs de bois

This one feels better in French - more compact?

Feb 3 - prompt - cheese:

vie caillée
transformée par l’art
fromage savoureux

curdled life
transmuted through art
tasty cheese

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